From: Ruslan Strelba Subject: Re: Problems to store monetary valuesTo: If you use NT server box, you can write simple udf function, like this: unit _udf_math; interface function FormatFloat(var Value : Double; var K : Integer): Double; cdecl; export; const K10 : array [0..10] of Double = (1,10,100,1000,10000,100000, 1000000,10000000,100000000, 1000000000,10000000000); implementation Uses Windows, SysUtils; function FormatFloat(var Value : Double; var K : Integer): Double; begin Result := ( Round ( Value * K10[K] + 1/K10[K+1] ) ) / K10[K]; // <- Changed end; end. Next, in triggers or stored procedures, you just call FormatFloat(SOME_VALUE, 2) Ruslan Strelba Email: